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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
Knowledge Centre on Translation and Interpretation

Training for Trainers

Specific courses organised by DG Interpretation for Conference Interpreting trainers

Training for Trainers

DG Interpretation organises 'Training for Trainers' (TFT) seminars in Brussels on a regular basis, with a duration of five days, for interpreting trainers in partner universities from Member States and candidate countries, but also from third countries like Russia and Africa in the framework of PAMCIT (Pan-African Master's Consortium in Interpretation and Translation).    

The profile of TFT participants is interpreter trainers, either university staff or external trainers, provided that they will continue teaching at the respective school for the foreseeable future. The average number of participants per seminar is 12, with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 14.


The seminars can run in parallel and a lunch is organised half-way during the trainings, giving the participants the opportunity to network, but also to meet the Director General for Interpretation and the Heads of the Interpretation units.


The TFT seminars represent one of the main pillars of DG Interpretation's Interpreter Training Support, as shown by a survey conducted in 2014 with the partner universities, where they were indicated as the second most appreciated support activity after the grants, with an overall satisfaction rate of 93%.

The TFTs are not only a capacity building exercise, but also a networking platform and a hub for the creation of a community of best practices, and are part of DG Interpretation's outreaching policy, by which we transfer our excellence standards and know-how to the university trainers - and through them far beyond to their peers and students.

Further reading