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Knowledge Centre on Interpretation

4th Academy of Trainers

31 March 2023

Bridging the gap: from classroom to meeting room

man stairs books diplome

On the 27th and 28th of March, SCIC hosted the 4th Academy of Trainers.

The Academy of Trainers is an initiative to foster discussion between SCIC and experienced trainers from partner universities on the pedagogical support SCIC provides . SCIC’s succession planning strategy seeks to help universities attract the best possible students and prepare them so that they can  pass the inter-institutional accreditation tests for free-lance interpreters.

In this context, this year the theme was: “Bridging the gap: from classroom to meeting room”. The Academy was organised and moderated by members of SCIC’s Talent Development Unit, with the cooperation of colleagues from the Interpreters Directorate.

Thirteen experienced trainers from twelve European universities made presentations and contributed to a lively and interesting debate that created new links between universities and provided SCIC with a wealth of new ideas for the interpretation training support it will offer in the future.