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Knowledge Centre on Interpretation

South Australian government seeks Greek, Italian and Spanish interpreters and translators

The state’s Interpreting and Translating Centre’s (ITC) is officially headhunting skilled bilingual professionals - Neos Kosmos

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The South Australian government has announced a recruitment drive for interpreters and translators including people skilled in written and spoken Greek. Specifically, the state’s Interpreting and Translating Centre’s (ITC) is officially headhunting skilled bilingual translators and interpreters, who are fluent in the state’s five most popular languages: Greek, Italian, Spanish, Khmer, and Nepali.

The initiative is designed to provide residents of South Australia – who are not as fluent in English as most members of other ethnic communities – with the necessary support that they need to ensure that they are making the most out of their personal and professional decisions, as well as ensuring that their wellbeing is not being compromised by the language barriers that they face.

As the state authorities put it, the purpose of the recruitment drive is to help all residents of South Australia make “informed decisions” about all aspects of their lives, irrespective of their language skills. To that end, the state is looking for both established and aspiring language specialists – including translators, along with interpreters – and has ensured that the latter will have the chance to earn official qualifications in the sector.

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