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Knowledge Centre on Interpretation

IPTI Interprofessional Training in Interpreting

Think thank on joint training of interpreters and the people they work for.


Interprofessional training brings together two or more professional groups to be trained together. In the case of interpreting, trainees learn how to work with trainees from the area of health care, law enforcement, public services, conference participants, etc. This group discusses best practices, experiences, proposals, projects, etc.


Dear colleagues,Following the successful In Dialog 3 conference, we are happy to announce our call for papers on the same subject: "Interpreter Research and Training - The Impact of Context", Linguistica Antverpiensia - New Series -...

Dear colleagues,Following the successful In Dialog 3 conference, we are happy to announce our call for papers on the same subject: "Interpreter Research and Training - The Impact of Context", Linguistica Antverpiensia - New Series - Themes in Translation Studies vol. 20For further information, please follow the link below: behalf of the guest editors,Esther de Boe

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FREE MOOCS IN PSITWe would like to share the information about the 3 free MOOCs we offer: "¡Iníciate en la traducción e interpretación en los Servicios Públicos!”"Get your start in PSIT"让我们共同开启公共服务事业的口笔译吧("Get...

FREE MOOCS IN PSITWe would like to share the information about the 3 free MOOCs we offer: "¡Iníciate en la traducción e interpretación en los Servicios Públicos!”"Get your start in PSIT"让我们共同开启公共服务事业的口笔译吧("Get Your Start in Public Service Interpreting and Translation!")The MOOCs are composed of three specific modules which focus on aspects as intercultural communication, mediation, roles that take part in it, documentation resources and PSIT professionalisation. This content is developed through theoretical videos, individual reflection and self-assessment activities, exercises which make use of social networks, and debate forums where users can express and share their opinion. Signing in the courses is simple and free: just register to access the MOOC. Access these courses by clicking on the following links:"¡Iníciate en la traducción e interpretación en los Servicios Públicos!”:"Get your start in PSIT":让我们共同开启公共服务事业的口笔译吧("Get Your Start in Public Service Interpreting and Translation!"): appreciate your interest in the MOOCs and hope you make the most of them.

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