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Knowledge Centre on Interpretation

26th SCIC–Universities Conference

14 December 2022


Monitor conference

The twenty-sixth edition of the SCIC-Universities conference took place on 17-18 November 2022 in the Commission’s premises in Brussels.

#NextGenerationEUInterpreters" was the title of the conference.

It was a face-to-face conference with participants coming from all around Europe and beyond to attend. This conference followed two editions organised online and in hybrid mode, respectively.

1​30 participants, representing more than 50 different universities in EU Member States, candidate and third countries, International Organisations and other European Institutions, registered for this year's edition of SCIC's annual flagship event. The conference was web streamed and available to participants from both inside and outside the European Commission.

​You can relive the conference via web stream!

In his pre-recorded video message, Commissioner Johannes Hahn (Budget and Administration) reminded the audience how interpreters are adapting to the new reality of interpretation post-COVID and how they have safeguarded multilingual communication within the EU institutions even in difficult times. Thanks to its professionalism, expertise and commitment, SCIC has demonstrated that it is consistently striving to keep high quality standards.

#NextGenerationEUInterpreters - Voice your future” was the theme of the Young Interpreters Award this year. The first prize went to Laura Schargan from the TH Köln. She delivered her speech in front of the audience.

The first day of the conference was structured around several presentations and discussions. They mainly focused on new interpreter skills and competences as well as on digital developments and related challenges facing the profession in the future. Participants discussed how DG SCIC can help universities respond to these new constraints. The need for state-of-the-art technology and sound to provide a high-quality service was also analysed. Information on the pilot accreditation test for freelance interpreters was also shared.

The second day started with a very thought-provoking presentation from the keynote speaker Paweł Świeboda, Director General of Human Brain Project, entitled “Embracing Change: Sense of Purpose in a Turbulent World”.

Participatory sessions with the universities' trainers and students were a new addition at this year's SCIC Universities Conference. For the first time, students, the colleagues of the future, participated in several discussion groups. The outcome of these discussions was shared with all attendees and is the subject of a newsletter, which is now available. Ideas and suggestions will be incorporated into our reflection on succession planning activities.

Sharing opinions, experiences, and expertise as well as proposing pragmatic, hands-on and constructive solutions were part of the conference's objectives. All that to ensure that the next generation of interpreters is equipped with the necessary knowledge and technical skills to face current and future challenges and, at the same time, enable the European Institutions to remain an attractive place where they can put their talent and excellence to work.

All the presentations and recordings of both days are already available on the web p​age of the event​​. Take a look at the photo slideshow capturing the best moments of the conference and read our newsletter.