How the Mind Assigns Meaning to Words
New research on how the brain uses sounds to form words and create meaning - Harvard Magazine
New research on how the brain uses sounds to form words and create meaning - Harvard Magazine
By measuring the brain’s electrical signals we can explore how the brain links sensory information to meaning and transform it into memory - Beckman Institute
Insights into the translation profession from trainers and students
Welcoming both familiar and new faces
6-7 February, 2025 - Save the date!
Brussels, 24-25 October 2024
Cognitive, academic and social aspects of bilingualism - Yale News
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Design, representation formats and management systems
New values in Translation Pedagogy
Meet Central Europe conference and jobs fair
A podcast by the Directorate General for Translation of the European Commission
Workshop: Legge sull'IA e i suoi effetti sul futuro della traduzione
Words matter – #2024TEF