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Knowledge Centre on Interpretation

Other EU language-related services

EU services that deal with interpreting, translating or languages in general.

European Commission

DGT - Translation

DGT deals exclusively with written texts for the Commission, which are translated into and out of the EU's 24 official languages.


DG EAC - Education and Culture

The remit of DG EAC is to contribute to a knowledge-based Europe that reconciles a competitive economy and an inclusive society. In this regard, DG EAC's mission covers areas of substantial societal and political significance – quality of education, culture as a catalyst for innovation, youth and sport to name but a few. In each of these fields, DG EAC aims to stimulate the development of competences, the mobility of individuals, cross-border cooperation, involvement of stakeholders, and policy reform. One of the main requisites for this is multilingualism.

European Parliament

DG LINC - Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences

This Directorate-General provides the linguistic, technical and logistical support for the organisation of the parliamentary meetings and conferences of EP Members and bodies.


This service translates documents out of and into the 24 official languages of the European Union, thus providing all EU citizens with immediate access to European texts in their own language and the opportunity to communicate with the institutions in their own language.

Court of Justice of the EU


Interpretation Directorate

Interpretation during the hearings before the Court of Justice and the General Court is provided by the Interpretation Directorate, which has approximately 70 permanent interpreters. When necessary, it also calls upon the services of experienced freelance interpreters.

Directorates for Legal Translation

The Court’s translations are established in accordance with mandatory language-arrangements and include all the combinations of the official languages of the European Union. The volume of pages to be translated currently exceeds 1 100 000 pages per year.

Multilingualism at the Court of Justice of the European Union

A portal to explain multilingualism at the Court of Justice of the EU and what it takes to implement it in a legal setting.